Sunnyside Swimwear Care Instructions
Swimsuits are expensive and learning how to take care of your investment will keep you looking great all season!
- Handwash the swimsuit prior to the first wear to set the colors
- After wearing the swimsuit rinse off any visible salt or debris, after rinsing out the suit you must hand wash your suit. Plain water does not remove all the salt or chlorine.
-Fill the sink with water and add just a tablespoon or less of mild liquid detergent. Don't use powders because they may not dissolve completely or rinse away well.

-Turn your swimsuit inside out. Swish for several minutes and then rinse well. Gently squeeze - don't wring - the water out of the fabric.
-Spread your suit flat to dry in a spot out of direct sunlight. The UV rays from the sun can both fade and break down the fibers in your suit.
- Make sure that ALL body and suntan oils are removed from the swimsuit. If not, these oils will destroy the elasticity of the swimsuit!
- Don't leave the suit soaking overnight, bundled, wadded up, or rolled in a towel. This will cause the colors to bleed.
- Don't use Woolite, bleach, or dry the swimsuit in a dryer. All will destroy the elasticity of the suit.